Backyard Fence Repair? or Replacement? What Should You Do?

This post is a quick guide to help you decide between backyard fence repair vs. replacement.

Backyard fences can be a beautiful addition to any home and garden. Unfortunately, they also tend to get a lot of wear and tear and may require frequent repairs or even replacement.

Broken fences can allow children and pets to escape while letting in pests and making life less private.

If your backyard fence is rotting, warping or falling apart, it’s time to give it some tender love and care. But how do you know when to conduct fence repair or call for a replacement?

Backyard Fence Repair

Take a close look at your backyard fence and inspect it from the bottom upward. If the fence is made of wood, rot normally starts at ground level. You should also look for cracks, holes, splintering, warping, and discoloration. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should repair your fence promptly to avoid any further damage.

Check your fence warranty to see if it’s still valid and covers the damage you found. If there’s no warranty, you can take the do-it-yourself approach. Fill small cracks and holes with putty or wood filler. You should also replace any warped panels or posts. Homeowners who aren’t confident in their home repair abilities should hire a professional.

It’s always a good idea to do routine maintenance on your wood fence, even if there doesn’t appear to be anything wrong. Try to seal it once a year to prevent decay or apply a coat if you see water soaking into the wood rather than beading on the surface. By staying on top of your fence’s condition you can make sure it reaches its top life expectancy.

When to Lean Towards a Fence Replacement

A backyard fence that’s rundown or falling over creates a bad impression. It looks messy to your guests and any potential buyers, and may also be a black mark on the neighborhood.

When things get this bad, it’s time to consider a fence replacement. Here are circumstances in which you should construct a new fence:

  • The damage is substantial, and more than a quarter of the boards have rotted
  • Pests and termites have begun to eat away at the wood
  • A car accident or falling tree has destroyed a large section
  • The wood has exceeded its life expectancy, which varies depending on the type.

Once a wooden fence becomes unmanageable and no longer provides security or privacy, it’s time to install a replacement. If it becomes more than an eyesore and appears dilapidated, it’s time to make the call to a Total Property Maintenance company. Also, if the backyard fence repair cost is higher than the price of a new fence, installing a new fence is the more economical option.

Replacing? Consider the Alternatives for Backyard Fencing.

Backyard wood fences look great but require significantly more upkeep than other types of fences. Other fencing materials, such as vinyl and aluminum, can provide the same amount of privacy but are more durable and easy to maintain.

The upfront cost of installing more durable types of fences may be higher than wood but could be worth it in the long run. They can be made to be aesthetically pleasing and will last for many years.

If you are comparing a wood privacy fence repair vs. a vinyl replacement, you might be put off by the upfront cost. However, a vinyl fence will last longer and require fewer repairs, which often saves money in the long-run.

What should you do when you find a plumbing leak?

If you’re lucky and your leak is just a loose fitting, then you’ll be able to fix it on your own. Just grip the loose fitting with a plumber’s wrench and tighten it to stop a leak in its tracks. Unfortunately however, hairline crack, fracture, and burst line leaks are a bit tougher to fix. If your pipe is actually broken open, we recommend taping it up and enlisting the help of professionals.

Professional plumbing technicians can find and fix any existing leaks in your home’s plumbing system. We’ll even take the opportunity to look for any signs of future risk and help make sure they don’t develop into new leaks after we’ve gone. A plumbing fix and inspection now can save you a lot of time, frustration, and money in the future.

Plumbing leaks happen. In fact, they tend to happen a lot. The best thing you can do if you’re facing one in your home is address it right away. The longer you leave a link, the longer you risk it causing further damage. By following these tips, you’ll be able to find and fix your plumbing leaks fast.

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